
博客來-哪裡訂-博客來書籍館-Classical Cooking the Modern Way - Methods and Techniques, 3-e哪裡訂博客來網路書店,博客來網路書局,博客來書店, Classical Cooking the Modern Way : Methods and Techniques, 3/e

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Classical Cooking the Modern Way : Methods and Techniques, 3/e

    作者:Philip Pauli 出版社:桂魯 出版日期:1999年01月01日 語言:英文 ISBN:9780471291879 裝訂:精裝
    內容簡介 top

      Classical Cooking the Modern Way: Methods and Techniques, Third Edition is based on the original Lehrbuch der K?che, the most widely used culinary reference in German-speaking countries. Catering to everyone from apprentice to master chef, this comprehensive volume provides complete and authoritative coverage of classical methods and techniques. Designed to complement Classical Cooking the Modern Way: Recipes, Third Edition, this cooking tool presents clear and concise explanations of every technique, detailed information on ingredients, and, with contributions from 75 acclaimed European chefs, a dynamic and informed perspective on classical cooking. In this volume you』ll find:

      1.Complete coverage of core cooking methods, including grilling, broiling, braising, and saut?ing

      2.Detailed guidance on product identification and appraisal

      3.Complete sections on nutrition theory, menu planning, and food accounting

      4.Up-to-date information on the latest preparation methods, technologies, and trends in classical cooking

      As a reference, it provides excellent answers to all your classical cooking concerns. As a manual for learning basic skills, it guides you with clear descriptions of time-honored cooking methods and techniques. Just one taste will illustrate why Pauli』s Classical Cooking the Modern Way: Methods and Techniques, Third Edition remains a staple on every professional chef』s shelf.


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