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Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems 9/e

    作者:Turban 出版社:華泰文化 出版日期:2010年10月28日 語言:英文 ISBN:9780132453233 裝訂:平裝
    內容簡介 top

      .NEW! Chapter 7, Text and Web Mining. This new chapter explains two of the most popular business analytics tools in a comprehensive (yet easy to understand) level of detail. A wide variety of application casesmake the subject interesting and appealing to the intended audience. [85% new material]

      .NEW! Chapter 14, Management Support Systems: Emerging Trends and Impacts. This new chaptercovers new phenomenon that are already changing or likely to change the decision support technologies and practices – RFID, virtual worlds, cloud computing, social networking, Web 2.0, virtual communities, etc. It alsoupdates some coverage from the last edition on impacts of computerized decision support. [80% new material]

      .Streamlined Coverage. By retaining only the most commonly used content, the book is now more concise.Rather than preformatted online content, a Website provides updated content and links on a regular basis. Thenumber of references in each chapter is reduced. Deleting Chapter 5, and instead putting some content in Chapter 1, streamlines the introductory coverage of business intelligence and data mining. With this change, the reader can get an overview of the overall content through Chapter 1 – both decision support and business intelligence technologies. This overview can prepare a student to begin thinking about a term project in either area (should the instructor require it) right from the beginning of the term. Then the details of decision support systems are covered in Chapters 2-4, and business intelligence topics begin with Chapter 5. The chapters available as online chapters with the last edition were deleted, with some content incorporated in this edition directly.

      .New Author Team. This edition includes one new author and an expanded role for an author from the lastedition. Building upon the excellent content that has been prepared by the authors of the previous edition (Turban, Aronson, Liang, and Sharda), this edition was revised primarily by Ramesh Sharda and Dursun Delen.Both Ramesh and Dursun have worked extensively in DSS and data mining areas and have industry as well asresearch experience. Dave King (JDA Systems), a co-author of The Strategy Gap (a book on corporate performance management) contributed Chapter 9: Business Performance Management.

      .Revised and Updated Content. Almost all of the chapters have new opening vignettes and closing cases based upon recent stories and events. Application cases throughout the book now include recent examples of applications of a specific technique/model. New website links are included throughout the book. Many older product links and references are deleted. Finally, most chapters have new exercises, internet assignments, anddiscussion questions throughout.


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