博客來書籍館-Econometrics: A Modern Introduction訂購網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010322407
Econometrics: A Modern Introduction
- 1.塑身女皇完美曲線伸展操(示範解說DVD+美體計畫BOOK+伸展操大海報)
- 2.冰與火之歌第二部:烽火危城上下冊套書
- 3.深夜食堂 6
- 4.特殊傳說 vol.1 不存在的學園!(新版)
- 5.非關英雄(卷7)終結與開端(上卷)
A Modern Introduction conditions students to think like econometricians right from the start by opening with a unique Monte Carlo exercise, and connects econometrics to economic theory through a series of exemplary econometric analyses presented throughout the text. Features 1.Students learn to critically evaluate economic conclusions through the use of original data and compelling topics 2.Regression』s Greatest Hits features, which present a series of exemplary econometric analyses, help students make a clear connection between econometrics and economics. 3.Econometrics: A Modern Introduction keeps economic behavior in the foreground by focusing on real-life applications as it uses theory to quantify economic relationships. 4.Econometrics: A Modern Introduction can be used with both introductory and advanced students possessing the prerequisite economic and statistic theoretical background. 5.A Monte Carlo simulation tutorial on the textbook Web site takes students through the choices they must make to build their Monte Carlo models, and then presents them with the Monte Carlo results. 6.Econometrics: A Modern Introduction returns to Monte Carlo analyses to introduce heteroskedasticity, errors in variables, and consistency. Programs for these exercises are also on the Web site. |
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