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博客來書籍館-ENGINEERING DESIGN: A PROJECT-BASED INTRODUCTION 3/E訂購網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010425027
- 1.暮光之城:破曉1 DVD
- 2.賽德克‧巴萊(上+下3碟套裝 平裝版) DVD
- 3.那些年,我們一起追的女孩(雙碟平裝版) DVD
- 4.10+10 雙碟精裝版 DVD
- 5.陣頭 雙碟禮盒預購版 DVD

Dym and Little』s successful client-driven, team-based approach to engineering design gets students actively involved with conceptual design methods and project management tools. The new 3rd edition of Engineering Design maintains the focus of the prior editions while adding new content to keep the text current and relevant for today』s students. 本書特色 1 . Introduces conceptual design tools, including objectives trees, morphological charts, and requirements matrices that visually introduce and guide the student through the design process. 2 . Emphasizes ethics as an 「every day」 issue — and not just one of dealing with ethical crises. 3 . New Chapter 6 introduces elements of basic engineering sciences into design, including: dimensions and units; dimensional analysis; estimates and approximations; various mechanical and electrical elements; some elementary detail design problems; and some brief notes on materials selection. 4 . New Chapter 7 includes new material on geometric dimensioning and tolerances; and discussion of prototyping and modeling 5 . Introduces project management tools, including work breakdown structures, Gantt charts, and activity networks exposing students to the types of tools they will use for project-based work in the real world. 6 . Consistent, common examples throughout illustrate the use of both the design tools and the management tools necessary for the design and development of successful projects. 7 . Summarizes the processes and means of reporting the results of a design project. 8 . Provides insights into team behaviors and dynamics, and how they affect project outcomes. 9 . Set in the context of a design team working on a client-initiated design project, providing a real-world context and practical examples of the type of work students will encounter in their professional lives. |
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