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Finite Element Simulations with ANSYS Workbench 12 (附DVD)
原文作者:Huei-Huang Lee
- 1.嚴爵 / [沒有你怎麼辦演唱會] LIVE全紀錄(DVD+CD)
- 2.回蔚莫文蔚演唱會@台北小巨蛋 (3DVD+1CD)
- 3.鳳飛飛 / 35周年Live DVD
- 4.濱崎 步 / 濱崎 步 ~POWER of MUSIC~ 2011 特別版演唱會 2DVD
- 5.陳志遠 / 「如果有一天我不在,樹在 音樂人陳志遠 Made In Taiwan」2DVD

附書光碟DVD*1 The book is a guidance in learning finite element simulations. This textbook is designed mainly for graduate students and senior undergraduate students. It is designed for use in three kinds of courses: (a) as a first course of finite element simulation before you take any theory-intensive courses, such as Finite Element Methods, (b) as an auxiliary parallel tutorial in a course such as Finite Element Methods, or (c) as an advanced (in an application-oriented sense) course after you took a theoretical course such as Finite Element Methods. 1.本書以淺顯的英文並配合大量的圖片來編寫,內容有80%以上都是step-by-step的軟體操作形式,這部份的英文方面應該不會對學生或工程師造成問題。 2.本書在美國、加拿大地區的出版發行是授權給國外知名CAD出版社SDC,除此之外,包含台灣與其他國家地區,則是由□峰出版。作者希望透過高品質的教科書,讓國內CAE工程師的培訓更加順暢,所以本書是以接近國外定價三分之一的價格在台灣出版。 3.本書曾多次在Amazon.com的CAD類別新書(出版一個月之內的書籍)排行榜中名列第一。 4.德州阿靈頓大學Lawrence教授對本書的評語:」It will be an extremely useful reference for students as well as practicing engineers. I feel it will be a very successful book.」 Lawrence是航太方面的資深教授,擁有多本著作,包括ANSYS Workbench Tutorial Release 11。 Features of the Book Comprehensive. User-Friendly. Real-World Cases. Background Knowledge. Learn by Hands-ons. 本書特色: 本書特色詳列於書籍序言中,茲將主要特色摘列於下: 完整性: 親切性: 真實個案: 背景知識: About the Author Huei-Huang Lee Professor Lee has been working on finite element simulations for 30 years, including applications, software develoment, research, and teaching. He has been using ANSYS as an application and teaching platform for 20 years. He graduated from Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan in 1977 and was subsequently qualified as a Professional Engineer. With his P.E. license, he became a structural engineering practitioner as well as a software developer in Taipei. During that period, he and his partners had designed many high-rise buildings and developed several finite element analysis packages. He received his M.S. in 1984 and Ph.D. in 1989, both from University of Iowa, USA. After that, he started to work as a Research Scientist in the Industry-University Cooperated Research Center of the University of Iowa. One of his functions was to integrate commercial programs such as ANSYS with the programs developed by the center, creating new engineering capabilities to support the industrial members of the center. Today, Professor Lee is teaching in National Cheng Kung University, one of the most prestigious universities in Taiwan. Besides this book, he has authored two popular textbooks in Chinese-language, Engineering Analysis with ANSYS: Fundamentals and Concepts (2005) and Taguchi Methods: Principles and Practices of Quality Design (2008). He plays ping-pong every weekday and takes care his garden during weekends. 作者簡介 李輝煌 本書作者從事有限元素數值模擬工作已有三十年的經驗,包括理論的研究及軟體的開發、應用、及教學。使用ANSYS作為分析工具及教學平台也有二十年的經驗。1977年從成功大學土木工程系畢業以後,通過高考取得土木技師執照,接著在台北從事結構設計及有限元素分析軟體開發的工作。在那段時期,歷經許多工程設計實務,並和其工作夥伴一起設計了幾套有限元素分析軟體,並銷售給其他結構設計事務所。為了追求知識上的突破,決定前往美國繼續學業。在1989年完成博士學位後,留在一個工程研究中心工作,並開始深入接觸ANSYS軟體。現在,每年在成功大學工程科學系開設兩門課程:電腦輔助工程分析、田口方法;這兩門課每年都吸引了許多來自工學院各系的學生、及在職工程師。除了本書以外,作者也曾經寫了兩本中文教科書:ANSYS工程分析:基礎與關念(2005年)、田口方法:品質設計的原理與實務(2008年 )。 |
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